• We provide
    reliable operation
    of power
  • We provide
    reliable operation
    of power
  • We provide
    reliable operation
    of power
  • We provide
    reliable operation
    of power
  • We provide
    reliable operation
    of power

Roate your device.


Manufacture of boiler, turbine, pipeline and auxiliary equipment; metal structures of varying complexity; vessels working under pressure.
Manufacture of relay protection and automation devices, diagnostic tools for electrical equipment, non-standard protection devices and electrical devices.

Quality Management System

Open Joint Stock Company «Belenergoremnaladka» guarantees compliance of manufactured products with the requirements of the concluded contract, external regulatory and technical documentation (TNPA, NPA, industry standard technical documentation) and technical documentation for the products.

These guarantees are based on the integrated system of quality management and labor protection functioning in Open Joint Stock Company «Belenergoremnaladka», called - management of systems conforming to requirements of ISO 9001:2015, ISO 45001:2018, СТБ ISO 9001-2015.

Goals and policies in the field of quality and labor protection of Open Joint Stock Company «Belenergoremnaladka».

In 2004 Open Joint Stock Company «Belenergoremnaladka» was awarded the title of Laureate of the Prize of the Government of the Republic of Belarus for achievements in the field of quality, which was confirmed in 2007, 2012 and 2017.

159461_Zeichen_englisch1 15681_Zeichen_englisch1

Geography of work

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